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Beams Coffee


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A blend combination of Ethiopian Mormora Guji, Guatemala Finca Morito, and Colombian Popayan beans make up this eclectic infusion of silky-smooth flavours, characterised by milk chocolate and caramel aromas, combined with Lions Mane which helps to keep your focus!

*Each box comes with 10 Nespresso®-compatible capsules.

**Beams work closely with clinical nutritionists to formulate their adaptogenic coffee capsules in accordance with recommended safe dosages.

*Any capsules labeled as a ‘sale’ item have a remaining shelf life of 2 to 4 months.

Coffee notes
  • Tasting Notes
    Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Stone Fruit
  • Body
  • Acidity
  • Sweetness

Coffee details


Beams Coffee are a Hong Kong and Australian-based company that sought to incorporate natural super ingredients into our everyday routines. They work closely with coffee roasters in Sydney & Melbourne as well as nutritionists to infuse plant-based nutrients, nootropics and functional mushroom ingredients with Specialty Coffee. The result is super-charged capsules!

  • Type
  • Processing
  • Origin
    Ethiopia | Guatemala | Colombia
  • Varietal
  • Roast level
  • Suitability
    Espresso, Milk Coffee, Long Black, Iced Coffee.
  • Others
    Beams work closely with clinical nutritionists to formulate their adaptogenic coffee capsules in accordance with recommended safe dosages. Lions Mane is known to significantly boost the cognitive function of the brain. The active ingredients in the mushroom stimulate the growth and regeneration of neurons. The ingredients found in Lions Mane also have several properties that act as a potent source of antioxidants which create a barrier to prevent oxidative stress and chronic inflammation in the body – now that’s food for thought!

On the Morning Machine

Brew Mode: Bloom & Brew

Bloom & Brew is the Morning Machine's flagship ready-to-brew recipe which incorporates a pre-infusion stage, "wetting" the coffee and allowing it to "bloom" prior to the start of your brew. The outcome is a higher extraction which results in a stronger cup of coffee.

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